Lebanese University Institutes

List of Registered University Institutes at the Ministry of Higher Education in Lebanon

University Name Abb Locations Phone Language of instruction
1 Al-Ouzai University College OUC Beirut - Tarik El Jdideh 01-704452 Arabic
2 Kafaat University Institute of Education and Technology - Kafaat - Ain Seadi 01-872225 French
3 C & E American University Institute AUCE Beirut - Hadath / Beirut - Badaro 05-467346 English
4 Ecole Supérieur des Affaires ESA Beirut - Hamra - Central Bank 01-373373 French - English - Arabic
5 Institut Universitaire Sainte Famille IUSF North Lebanon - Batroun 06-642250 French
6 Saidon University Instituts of Technology and Business Administration SUIT SUIB Saida - Meyyeh w Meyyeh 07-754801 English
7 Joya University Institute of Technology JUIT South Lebanon - Jouaiya 07-410830 English - French
8 Matn University Institut of Technology MUIT Mount Lebanon - Maten 01-871080 English

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